Champion Wheel Preview has been released! 3/10/2016

Our client, Champion Wheel , has released Champion Wheel Preview™, a licensed, customized version of POKESnap™ which allows their customers to preview custom wheels on their own vehicles before they purchase. This feature is essential, as their custom products are built to order and not returnable. Wheel Preview will increase customer satisfaction, and serve as a viral marketing tool for their products.

You can get Champion Wheel Preview at the Google Play™ store.

We’re Launching Soon! 2/24/2016

Our product pre-sales preview application, POKESnap™ is launching soon in the Google Play store customized for Champion Wheel as Champion Wheel Preview™.

We’re excited to offer the customization of POKESnap™ as a paid service, at significant savings over in-house development. As features and fixes are added to our core codebase, they are propigated to your customized version. You own the customizations, we manage the project from start to finish.

For more information, contact us!